
A place belongs to her

I ever wanted to be someone who always there for you. But you said that I killed your feeling for me, even though i couldn't remember what I did.

So., that was end of a story that never started. Then we begun another story as a very good friend. A story that makes us more comfortable to each other.

You said that, "I want you to be my very best friend because I want someone who always care for me genuinely. I don't want to loose your love, and I know you will always love me and take a good care of me as a best friend"

But now, I know if I still be here as a person to share stories when you feeling down, someone you will call after you soothe your tears, or as someone who always accept you after you did something very bad,- this is not going to be fair for a woman who love you with all her heart. This place should be hers., and always will be hers for days ahead.

Four months from now, someone will put ring on one of my right finger. And two weeks after, you will do the same to that beautiful lady of yours.

I wish life stays as simple as before. But we grow up, life and people around us becomes more complicated. We went too far to each other. Not something we did because we did nothing more than share stories. It's for feeling we share and a place you keep for me. We know it's never love. We don't fall for each other over again because chemistry never there. It's only a comfortable feeling that makes us confidence enough to share bad stories or laugh after we let devil inside ourself win against the angel. And we know silently that she also can not take this really good. This place, this feeling belongs to her.

So., i have to go away from your comfortable area, to take only one step back and never move one step forward again. I should let someone fill my place with her love for you. I should let you take your own consequences after you did something bad. I can not let my self always there again to back you up, accepting everything you did with open arms. Because it is not something that a good friend really do.

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